The importance of taking risks

I’m reading a wonderful book by Rollo May. (I’m often raving about Rollo, see here for more). This epic book is called ‘Freedom & Destiny’. One of the things Rollo says in it that really inspires me is: “Freedom of being is gained only when the persons can feel in their own muscles,in their own hearts,that they […]
The Dark Goddess Series III: For the Women who refuse to play small.

Here’s this Friday’s Dark Goddess Series for the Women who Refuse to Play Small. Enjoy! The Dark Goddess twinkles with self awareness,but she doesn’t need to be in this state in a composed way. She has a dirty, loud laughwhich she regularly uses to chuckle at life’s challenges and her own shortcomings.She is a goddess […]
The Dark Goddess Series II: For the Women who refuse to play small.

Here’s my Friday edition on the dark goddess archetype. It is my hope that in reading about this archetype that you may find her embers still burning within you, and have the permission, and daring to bring more of her into your life. She is a wonderful respite to the victimhood, passivity & depression that […]
Why magic bullets dont work

I’ve been thinking a lot about journeys and destinations. I’ve always been impatient to get somewhere really fast.I want to have built a huge blog following since yesterday. This is where the tempting magic bullet whizzes into our consciousness.We’re sold these bullets day in day out as a shortcut to get results. Take these 10 […]
How to lovingly work through your resistance to being vulnerable.

The other day I wrote a post about the challenges of vulnerability and why it can be so hard for us. Funnily enough, this morning I was really in touch with my vulnerability. I realised that once we give space to our resistances (as I did in my post) then something can shift and open. […]
I get why you don’t want to do vulnerability.

In order to have intimate relationships we are constantly told that we need to be vulnerable. It’s a big ask. Vulnerability is scary, risky & exposing. Vulnerability is a hot topic at the moment, but I also want to acknowledge why it can be so damn hard for us. It’s much easier for us to […]
Why surviving a challenging situation without crying or expressing anger is not enlightened

Sometimes we berate ourselves for not being “strong” or for not “handling” a challenging situation. Perhaps we broke down, or our anger rose to the surface for just a moment. We make ourselves wrong for doing something truly healthy and self affirming.Being in touch with our feelings. If someone has hurt us, feeling hurt is […]
Fear of Flying: what does it mean & what can it teach us?

It’s the season for flying, and for some of us it’s also when a great deal of anxiety arises. I took a flight a few weeks ago, and although I won’t go as far as to say I have a fear of flying it provoked some anxiety. We are entrusting our lives to pilots, people […]
Living your emotional truth

We often ask ourselves. Does my anger make sense? Am I justified to feel upset? We make our reality contingent on the reality of another person. The moment we do this we lose connection with our deepest and truest self. It may be small, but it is a betrayal. We are telling ourselves that the […]
Why do I keep trying to control everything? (I know, it’s exhausting isn’t it!)

Many of us come to believe that we can control events & other people. This is not that unusual, it is after all how we first started to relate to the world as children. It’s an essential child developmental stage known as magical thinking. We see it in the little boy who jumps up and […]