Where are you based?

I’m based in Sevenoaks, Kent and online. I work online with clients internationally.

You’re welcome to text ( +44 7419120519) or send me an email. We can then arrange to have a free 15 min zoom or phone consultation. This gives me an opportunity to let you know initially whether I think I can help. It also gives you a chance to ask any questions you have. You can also get a feel for me and how I work. 

It varies on what your goals are. In general, I work open-ended. Either one of us can say when we feel the work is coming to an end. It is possible to work short term if you can’t commit to open-ended work. I am always happy to discuss individual cases further in a consult and suggest what is most beneficial. 

Weekly. We sometimes can transition to fortnightly or monthly sessions; once we have completed the main goals of our work together. 

Individual sessions are 55 minutes. Couple sessions tend to be 70 minutes. Sometimes different couples need slightly longer or shorter sessions due to individual needs, and/or depending on how the couple functions. I am happy to explain more if this is the case. 

Weekly. It is sometimes possible to transition to fortnightly or monthly sessions. This can happen once we have completed the main goals of our work together. 

Everything you say to me is confidential. The only person I share it with is my supervisor. This is a professional requirement and is for the purpose of deepening and supporting our work. There are some exceptional circumstances where there is a legal need for me to break confidentiality. I can discuss this with you more fully in our first meeting. I absolutely do not post content from our sessions on social media. 

My working hours vary. I do some early mornings  and then keep standard working hours the rest of the week. I work one evening a week. These slots are in high demand; so it takes some time for one of these to free up. I don’t work on weekends or bank holidays unfortunately.

Testimonials are great for business, and perhaps even useful for prospective clients. Nevertheless, one of the ethical commitments of our profession is ‘to put clients first.’ Testimonials are more about the needs of the therapist than the client. They are arguably at the expense of the client and the work we’re doing together. It’s for the same reason that you won’t see me post client material on social media. 

Once we have decided that we want to work together, I kindly ask for 7 days notice. Otherwise, we reschedule within the same week (assuming I have availability). If we can’t, then the full fee will be due.

Everything you say to me is confidential. The only person I share it with is my supervisor. This is a professional requirement and it is for the purpose of deepening and supporting our work. There are some exceptional circumstances where there is a legal need for me to break confidentiality. I can discuss this with you more fully in our first meeting. I absolutely do not post content from our sessions on social media. 

I offer a sliding scale from £75-90 per individual session and for couples counselling £110-130. You decide what is affordable within this range. It’s not means tested; you decide what is sustainable for you and that’s what we stick with. If your circumstances change you are welcome to let me know. 

Sometimes it is possible to charge a lower fee of £65 for individual counselling. There are a few spots available at this fee, and you’re welcome to inquire. 

You can come on your own; although it won’t be the same as couples therapy. We can still focus on your half of the relationship; and uncover what you contribute to the dynamic. If we have had only a few sessions, your partner can join us. If we have been working together for a longer period of time, we can discuss the possibility of your partner joining us. This can be for 1 or 2 sessions.