How to Cope with the Stress & Anxiety of Being Your Own Boss.

If becoming self employed is the new 9-5, how do we emotionally cope with the toil of this chosen path? According to a 2014 survey by Harris Poll and CreativeLive (read full report here) 67% of employed millennials (18-34) want to leave traditional employment and become self-employed. Being your own boss sounds like a dream, but […]
How to live life to the fullest.

Happy New Year! I took a break from writing for a little while, as I needed to focus more on refilling my own cup and a lot less on putting things out into the world. The perfect respite to this basically involved doing as little as possible. Fittingly, my first post back is about living […]
5 tips on managing stress

Stress is a big deal. Bupa studied 100,000 people in the U.K. and discovered that 1 in 4 of us feel stressed constantly, and 44% of us suffer from stress. Unfortunately stress is also a normal part of our lives, so it’s important that we find a way to manage it. Here are some suggestions […]
Make time for pleasure its truly the best thing we can do for ourselves

I think that experiencing pleasure has become an act of rebellion in our society.We often discount spending timelustfully enjoying food; telling silly stories with our friends; or hanging out with our families or partners.It’s considered a wastenot an effective use of time.So many of us sadly have so much guilt about these pleasures,that we’re never […]
What kind of boundaries do you erect finding out is important

We often talk about setting boundaries in relationships. They are vital. They’re the bread and butter of healthy relationships. It’s about saying “no”.It’s about stating your bottom line.It’s about making sure you’re clear on how you want to be treated, and where necessary, backing this up with clear action. I also think so much about […]
Calling all Women: why we need to acknowledge we’re different to men.

Today, I felt like doing a different kind of post.Especially for women.On something I’m really passionate about. It’s about acknowledging our differences to men.I think that because we’ve fought so hard for equalitywe’ve had to erase the parts of our experience that ‘complicate’ the debate,or sadly, issues that can be used against us.Such as, the […]
What to do when youre feeling stuck

Sometimes it helps to focus on the choices we do have in life. At times it can feel like our life has become small, narrow, and senseless. We could have been: Dumped.Sacked.Wronged.Hurt.Disappointed.Or worn down and exhausted. These experiences understandably evoke powerlessness.Something was done to us,That perhaps we didn’t have much choice in.And we’re left reeling, […]
The Dark Goddess Series II: For the Women who refuse to play small.

Here’s my Friday edition on the dark goddess archetype. It is my hope that in reading about this archetype that you may find her embers still burning within you, and have the permission, and daring to bring more of her into your life. She is a wonderful respite to the victimhood, passivity & depression that […]
Why you need to start practicing radical self-care

I went for a walk in the woods today.It has always been one of my favourite things to do. As the leaves were tumbling over my trainers, I found myself thinking about how if we want to be productive in the world, we need to engage in solid self care regimes. I love the phrase […]
Discover a new way to relate to your body

Many of us are missing out on a rich, loving, and fulfilling relationship with our body. We have learnt to think about our bodies only in terms of what they look like. And no wonder. Our bodies are repeatedly told to step in line with a socially accepted image. There are a series of rules […]