How to stop ghosting

Firstly…grrrrrr…there are all of these terrible people out there doing all of this ghosting. Stop it! How many of us think that? A fair few, I reckon. I think it too sometimes! I also think there’s a fair few of us doing the ghosting. What I’m getting at here is that no one ever thinks […]
Exploring your feelings is the key to success in life + work.

It’s so important to explore your feelings. I write about this often because the way I see people changing is through ‘feeling work’. I’ve not seen it work many other ways. I know that if you hold down a demanding job and/or life you think that going into your feelings is dangerous territory. You’re scared you’re […]
How to live life to the fullest.

Happy New Year! I took a break from writing for a little while, as I needed to focus more on refilling my own cup and a lot less on putting things out into the world. The perfect respite to this basically involved doing as little as possible. Fittingly, my first post back is about living […]
The art of friendships

We are imperfect creatures.We forget what our friends told us.We talk about ourselves too much.We ask about others too little.We expect too much from others. And in spite of this we still balk at THEIR oddness.“God, look at her jabber on”.When in reality we all have our own brand of oddness. In this way we […]
How to do assertiveness

Assertiveness is an art we can all master.Here are my top 4 tips for being assertive. 1. Stick to facts and be specific. This is the simplest way to be assertive without slipping into attack mode.So instead of saying: “you never take me out for dinner”. Say: “we haven’t been out dinner for 6 months”. […]
The importance of taking risks

I’m reading a wonderful book by Rollo May. (I’m often raving about Rollo, see here for more). This epic book is called ‘Freedom & Destiny’. One of the things Rollo says in it that really inspires me is: “Freedom of being is gained only when the persons can feel in their own muscles,in their own hearts,that they […]
Here’s what attitude you need to truly change.

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about how being comfortable isn’t that useful if we want to grow personally or professionally. And that in fact, it’s important to to be unsure, and confronted at times with different perspectives. It’s wonderful that the jury isn’t out,but undecided,and still in session. It shows there is a real […]
What were usually missing when we talk about assertiveness

I’m really passionate about assertiveness. I’ve witnessed the ways in which it can be transformational in a person’s life, leading them to: – feel more empowered.– ask, and get more of what they want.– create more change in their life, such as finding a job where they’re more valued. There’s another huge benefit of assertiveness […]
Make time for pleasure its truly the best thing we can do for ourselves

I think that experiencing pleasure has become an act of rebellion in our society.We often discount spending timelustfully enjoying food; telling silly stories with our friends; or hanging out with our families or partners.It’s considered a wastenot an effective use of time.So many of us sadly have so much guilt about these pleasures,that we’re never […]
The a-z of self sabotage

Sometimes we sabotage something because we don’t really want to do it.Instead of admitting this to ourselvesand saying “no”we agree to do itbut we never really show up.Either we’re late,cancel last minute,or never become fully invested.When we do this we’re usually acting unconsciously. So we keep cancelling on a date.Because we don’t want to have […]