Relationship anxiety

Here are some signs that may indicate you’re struggling with relationship anxiety: 1. Repeatedly interrogating your thoughts and feelings about your relationship. 2. Noticing that whilst you don’t really want to leave the relationship, you find yourself thinking about leaving a lot (for reasons other than red flags or a long held wish to leave). […]

How to stop ghosting

Firstly…grrrrrr…there are all of these terrible people out there doing all of this ghosting. Stop it! How many of us think that? A fair few, I reckon. I think it too sometimes! I also think there’s a fair few of us doing the ghosting. What I’m getting at here is that no one ever thinks […]

How to Date Consciously to find a long term relationship

You want to get serious about finding a partner. You’ve done a lot of dating, and you’ve met a lot of the ‘wrong’ people. You keep choosing people who just want to have a rebound, or have sex, or they just feel plain ‘wrong’ to you and each time it’s ended, you’ve felt rejected, used […]

How to do assertiveness

Assertiveness is an art we can all master.Here are my top 4 tips for being assertive. 1. Stick to facts and be specific. This is the simplest way to be assertive without slipping into attack mode.So instead of saying: “you never take me out for dinner”. Say: “we haven’t been out dinner for 6 months”. […]

What were usually missing when we talk about assertiveness

I’m really passionate about assertiveness. I’ve witnessed the ways in which it can be transformational in a person’s life, leading them to: – feel more empowered.– ask, and get more of what they want.– create more change in their life, such as finding a job where they’re more valued. There’s another huge benefit of assertiveness […]

Make time for pleasure its truly the best thing we can do for ourselves

I think that experiencing pleasure has become an act of rebellion in our society.We often discount spending timelustfully enjoying food; telling silly stories with our friends; or hanging out with our families or partners.It’s considered a wastenot an effective use of time.So many of us sadly have so much guilt about these pleasures,that we’re never […]

What kind of boundaries do you erect finding out is important

We often talk about setting boundaries in relationships. They are vital. They’re the bread and butter of healthy relationships. It’s about saying “no”.It’s about stating your bottom line.It’s about making sure you’re clear on how you want to be treated, and where necessary, backing this up with clear action. I also think so much about […]

The Dark Goddess Series II: For the Women who refuse to play small.

Here’s my Friday edition on the dark goddess archetype. It is my hope that in reading about this archetype that you may find her embers still burning within you, and have the permission, and daring to bring more of her into your life. She is a wonderful respite to the victimhood, passivity & depression that […]

Why a tolerance for messiness discomfort is essential in our relationships

Relationships are not without challenges. We will inevitably feel hurt or uncomfortable at some point in all relationships. Relationships require a tolerance for messiness, imperfection and discomfort. Perfectionism is not a plausible concept in relationships. Partners will disagree.Some topics will be irreconcilable. Our ability to tolerate this is the key to beginning and maintaining relationships. […]